
Give your brain a break

Of course, if you spend more time on the things except your job, you will burden more work. Americans appear to be sensitive to the value that works hard at any cost. A research shows that almost half of the employees lost their vacation days. The vacations are important to your brain, even a day tour.

New offers of vacation experiences improve memory in a manner not in your daily routine. And if you come across something new, unknown, the brain responds by releasing dopamine in the hippocampus, the part of the glass, the memories created, Dr. Russell Poldrack, a professor of psychology and neurobiology and director of the Research Center Image of the University of Texas at Austin. This increase in memory can also help protect against Alzheimer's disease.

Increase the creativity of French and American researchers have discovered that the holidays to improve the ability to solve problems, to promote awareness of the hidden links and people to try new things - that makes the creative mind. The reaction time increases Air New Zealand research has shown that only two or three days, holidays, and better sleep quality during and after the required travel. The result is improved response time of 80 percent. "We know that sleep has a significant impact on the creation of memory and brain health," says Poldrack.

Take mini-tours. You can also give your brain a weekend to shake the memory of an improvement. And "just for the local fishing pond and a picnic basket, you can take the mental stress," says Dr. Srinivasan Pillay, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and author of Life Released: 7 classes Revolution to overcome the fear.

Enjoy nature. No matter where you live, it is relatively easy to ride or swim on Saturday suggests Poldrack. It highlights the recent study by the University of Michigan, which suggests that the interaction with nature, learn about the brain's ability to concentrate and process information.

Get a massage. Researchers at the University of Miami found that massage, an increase of 31 percent of dopamine - the brain produces the same when you go on vacation.

Organize a dinner conversation. You can improve your memory. "Do not change your routine," says Poldrack "But it's hard," he added, "I heard a good suggestion that is, interviews with people who disagree with you, or read something about it. So I'm not d 'agreement. Do things that take you outside the normal comfort zone to improve memory. "This, in turn, contributes to brain health.

Above all, the experts recommend that you forget the neighbors. "There is nothing worse than trying to create your dream vacation in a sense of what television should be a holiday to meet," said Pillay. "Instead of experiencing imitation of another holiday, create and maintain their own".

