
DIY repair recipe for curly hair

Although curly hair is prone to chronic drought, regardless of the season, curly hair are more prone to this condition during the heat of the drought assistance summer.To versus curly hair, try this repair have moisturizing recipe.Apricots vitamin A oil is also ingredients.Olive full of vitamin E, which is preheated suited for the treatment of dry loops, kinks, coils and ringlets.Add 1 / 4 cup olive oil three apricot puree (organic if possible) until creamy with a septic removed.Mix apricots with olive oil. apply to pre-clean wet towel wiped hair.Although you can apply to dry hair, the best results are by most people with curly hair is obtained when applied to hair.Pat to clean wet finger into the hair. Focus mixing in the extremities or other spots.Plop damaged or dry on a shower cap or wrap it in plastic wrap or a hot mix towel.Allow own work up to 60 minutes.Rinse blend completely into a warm rinse hair conditioner if water. Add desired.When finished, rinse the mixture and / or rinse the conditioner thoroughly with cool or cold finished rinse.When improvement or any possible hair in the air dry in order to refine the effects of hydration treatment.To towel blot hair, apply a curl extension / anti-relaxer product
and the application of sections to maximize individual hair around her fingers and pen on the scalp to get air in beautiful ringlets.If they provide excellent results of this anti-drying agent to try it on your skin as dry as you well.If prefer, you can substitute olive oil , coconut oil moisturizer your other favourite hairs.

